Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Composition One Learning Commons: Learning Communities and Common Reading

Information and Directions

Each of the participants in this Learning Commons is teaching an ENG 101 relevant to either the Learning Communities or to the Common Reading. You can find a page for each professor in the upper right-hand corner that directs you to an individual course syllabus and also an assignment that incorporates research (that is, citation).

Please leave a brief comment for each professor's assignment in the comment section; alternatively, you may leave an overall comment in the comment section below this paragraph. If there's an issue logging in to leave the comment, please email the comments to

In addition to offering any observations you might have, we might consider the following questions as you consider the pages:

- what works or is effective about the assignment and its relation to the either the Learning Community or Common Reading?

- what are the underlaying skills or techniques that each assignment/syllabus values?